Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Trinidad Carnival 2015 Custumes -

 If you are interested in playing mass for Carnival 2015 then you need to play with us. We have affordable prices on costumes and packages for groups of 5 and more.Contact me for details -Whatsapp -868-7591712

Friday, January 3, 2014

Carnival 2014 - Affordable Accommadations

Trinidad and Tobago is famous for the best Carnival in the world. Trinidad Carnival 2014 promises to be a grand affair of costumes, music and fun. The parties or as we say fete start with the start of the new year. Do you want to be part of the fun and excitment? We can offer the complete package at Culture Crossroads Inn

It is important that you stay in an area that is safe and with people that will treat you like family. Located in the heart of St. James you are close to all the events. Transport is easy and you fun is guarenteed. Call Rickey -1-716-804-8492 to make all your arrangements.

Do you want to play mas in 2014? Do you want to rent a car during your stay in Trinidad? This can all be done for you.